[81] A Sharp Numerical Approach for Modeling Flows in Reactive Porous Media
V. Poitier, E. Bayat, K. Hernandez Leyvaa, A., & F. Gibou
Submitted in February 2025

[81] Vortex ring induced by a disk translating toward or away from a wall
J. Steiner, C. Morize, I. Delbende, A. Sauret, & P. Gondret
Submitted in January 2025

[80] Impact and spreading dynamics of a drop of fiber suspension on a hydrophilic solid substrate
S. Rajesh, & A. Sauret
Submitted in January 2025

[79] Caging and fluid deformations in dense bidisperse suspensions PDF
V. Thiévenaz, Nathan Vani, & A. Sauret
Submitted in November 2023

[78] Nascent water waves induced by the impulsive motion of a solid wall   PDF
W. Sarlin, Z. Niu, A. Sauret, P. Gondret, & C. Morize
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, accepted (2025)

[77] Universal equation describes the shape of air bubbles trapped in ice   PDF
V. Thiévenaz, J. Meijer, D. Lohse & A. Sauret
PNAS, accepted (2025)

[76] Experimental models for cohesive granular materials: a review  PDF DOI
R. S. Sharma, & A. Sauret
Soft Matter, DOI: 10.1039/D4SM01324G (2025)

[75] Capillary sorting of fiber suspensions by dip coating  PDF DOI
J. Maddox & A. Sauret
Physical Review Applied, 22, 034071 (2024)

[74] Settling of two rigidly connected spheres PDF DOI
Z. Maches, M. Houssais, A. Sauret, & E. Meiburg
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 995, A15 (2024)

[73] Role of the constriction angle on the clogging by bridging of suspensions of particles PDF DOI
N. Vani, S. Escudier, D.-H. Jeong & A. Sauret
Physical Review Research, 6, L032060 (2024)

[72] The effects of interparticle cohesion on the collapse of granular columns PDF  DOI
R. S. Sharma, W. Sarlin, L. Xing, C. Morize, P. Gondret, & A. Sauret
Physical Review Fluids, 9, 074301 (2024)

[71] Deposition and alignment of fiber suspensions by dip coating DOI   PDF
D.-H. Jeong, L. Xing, M. Ka Ho Lee, N. Vani, & A. Sauret
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 650(A), 407-415 (2023)

[70] Vortex ring generated by a translating disk from start to stop DOI   PDF
J. Steiner, C. Morize, I. Delbende, A. Sauret, & P. Gondret 
Physical Review Fluids, 8, 064702 (2023)

[69] Collapse of a cohesive granular column DOI   PDF
A. Gans, A. Abramian, P.-Y. Lagrée, M. Gong, A. Sauret, O. Pouliquen, & M. Nicolas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 959, A41 (2023)

[68] Clogging: The self-sabotage of suspensions  DOI   PDF
B. Dincau, E. Dressaire & A. Sauret
Physics Today, 76, 2, 24 (2023)
See also the cover of the issue

[67] Fragmentation of viscous compound liquid ligaments   DOI   PDF
V. Thiévenaz, & A. Sauret
Physical Review Fluids, 7, 110501 (2022)

[66] Particulate suspension coating of capillary tubes   DOI  PDF
D.-H. Jeong, L. Xing, J.-B. Boutin, & A. Sauret
Soft Matter, 18, 8124-8133 (2022)

[65] A sharp numerical method for the simulation of Stefan problems with convective effects   DOI  PDF
E. Bayat, R. Egan, D. Bochkov, A. Sauret, & F. Gibou
Journal of Computational Physics, 471, 111627 (2022)

[64] Pinch-off of bubbles in a polymer solution  DOI  PDF
S. Rajesh, S. S. Peddada, V. Thiévenaz, & A. Sauret
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 310, 104921 (2022)

[63] Rheology of debris-flow materials is controlled by the distance from jamming DOI PDF
R. Kostynick, H. Matinpour, S. Pradeep, S. Haber, A. Sauret, E. Meiburg, T. Dunne, P. Arratia, & D. Jerolmack
PNAS, 119(44), e2209109119 (2022)

[62] From granular collapse to shallow water waves: A predictive model for tsunami generation
W. Sarlin, C. Morize, A. Sauret, & P. Gondret  DOI  PDF
Physical Review Fluids, 7, 094801 (2022)
See synopsis: Modeling Landslide-Induced Tsunamis Physics

[61] Influence of the solid fraction on the clogging by bridging of suspensions in constricted channels  DOI  PDF
N. Vani, S. Escudier, & A. Sauret
Soft Matter, 18, 6987 - 6997 (2022)

[60] Erosion of cohesive grains by an impinging turbulent jet  DOI  PDF
R. S. Sharma, M. Gong, S. Azadi, A. Gans, P. Gondret, & A. Sauret
Physical Review Fluids, 7, 074303 (2022)

[59] Transition to the viscoelastic regime in the thinning of polymer solutions  DOI  PDF
S. Rajesh, V. Thiévenaz, & A. Sauret
Soft Matter, 18, 3147-3156 (2022)
Featured in the themed collection Soft Matter Editorial Board Highlights of 2022

[58] The onset of heterogenity in the pinch-off of suspension drops DOI 
V. Thiévenaz, & A. Sauret
PNAS, 119(13), e2120893119 (2022)

[57] Dip coating of bidisperse particulate suspensions DOI  PDF
D.-H. Jeong, M. Ka Ho Lee, V. Thiévenaz, M. Z. Bazant, & A. Sauret
Journal of of Fluid Mechanics, 936, A36 (2022)

[56] Clog mitigation in a microfluidic array via pulsatile flows  DOI  PDF
B. Dincau, C. Tang, E. Dressaire, & A. Sauret
Soft Matter, 18, 1767-1778 (2022)

[55] Effects of particle size on the morphology and electrocoalescence dynamics of liquid marbles DOI  
Y. Zhang, C. Yang, S. Yuan, X. Yao, Y. Chao, Y. Cao, Q. Song, A. Sauret, B. P. Binks, & H. C. Shum
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 608(1), 1094-1104 (2022)

[54] Collapse dynamics of dry granular columns: From free-fall to quasistatic flow DOI  PDF
W. Sarlin, C. Morize, A. Sauret, & P. Gondret
Physical Review E, 104, 064904 (2021)

[53] From laboratory experiments to geophysical tsunamis generated by subaerial landslides DOI  PDF
M. Robbe-Saule, C. Morize, Y. Bertho, A. Sauret, A. Hildenbrand, & P. Gondret
Scientific Reports, 11, 18437 (2021) 

[52] Pinch-off of viscoelastic particulate suspensions  DOI  PDF
V. Thiévenaz, & A. Sauret
Physical Review Fluids, 6, L062301 (2021)

[51] Droplet detachment and pinch-off of bidisperse particulate suspensions  DOI  PDF
V. Thiévenaz, S. Rajesh, & A. Sauret
Soft Matter, 17, 6202-6211 (2021)

[50] Non-linear regimes of tsunami waves generated by a granular collapse  DOI  PDF + Cover
W. Sarlin, C. Morize, A. Sauret, & P. Gondret
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 919, R6 (2021)

[49] Falling jet of dry granular material in water  DOI  PDF
G. Saingier, A. Sauret, & P. Jop
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 916, A34 (2021)

[48] Mean zonal flows induced by weak mechanical forcings in rotating spheroids  DOI  PDF
D. Cébron, J. Vidal, N. Schaeffer, A. Borderies, & A. Sauret,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 916, A39 (2021)

[47] Experimental investigation of tsunami waves generated by granular collapse into water  DOI  PDF
M. Robbe-Saule, C. Morize, R. Henaff, Y. Bertho, A. Sauret, & P. Gondret
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 907, A11 (2021)

[46] Deposition of a particle-laden film on the inner wall of a tube  DOI  PDF
D.-H. Jeong, A. Kvasnickova, J.-B. Boutin, D. Cébron, & A. Sauret
Physical Review Fluids, 5(11), 114004 (2020)

[45] Entrainment of particles during the withdrawal of a fiber from a dilute suspension  DOI  PDF
B. M. Dincau, E. Mai, Q. Magdelaine, J. A. Lee, M. Z. Bazant, & A. Sauret
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 903, A38 (2020)

[44] Spreading and fragmentation of particle-laden liquid sheets  DOI  PDF
P. S. Raux, A. Troger, P. Jop, & A. Sauret
Physical Review Fluids, 5(4), 044004 (2020)

[43] Air entrainment and granular bubbles generated by a jet of grains entering water  DOI  PDF
A. M. Cervantes-Álvarez, Y. Y. Escobar-Ortega, A. Sauret, & F. Pacheco-Vàzquez
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 574, 285-292 (2020)

[42] Erosion and accretion of wet granular media (in French)  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, G. Saingier, & P. Jop
Reflets de la Physique, 64, 17-22 (2020)

[41] Pulsatile Flow in Microfluidic Systems  DOI  PDF
B. Dincau, E. Dressaire, & A. Sauret
Small, 16(9), 1904032 (2020)

[40] Influence of the size of the intruder on the reorganization of a 2D granular medium  DOI  PDF
A. Merceron, A. Sauret, & P. Jop
Granular Matter, 21(3): 81 (2019)

[39] Facile control of liquid rope coiling with tunable electric-field configuration  DOI  PDF
J. Tian, J. Li, A. Sauret, T. Kong, X. Wu, Y. Lu, & H. C. Shum
Physical Review Applied, 12(1), 014034 (2019)

[38] Capillary sorting of particles by dip coating  DOI  PDF
B. M. Dincau, M. Z. Bazant, E. Dressaire, & A. Sauret
Physical Review Applied, 12(1): 011001 (2019)

[37] Capillary filtering of particles during dip coating  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, A. Gans, B. Colnet, G. Saingier, M. Z. Bazant, & E. Dressaire
Physical Review Fluids, 4, 054303 (2019)  

[36] Dip-coating of suspensions  DOI  PDF
A. Gans, E. Dressaire, B. Colnet, G. Saingier, M. Z. Bazant & A. Sauret
Soft Matter, 15, 252 - 261 (2019)

[35] Growth of clogs in parallel microchannels  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, K. Somszor, E. Villermaux & E. Dressaire
Physical Review Fluids, 3, 104301 (2018)

[34] Cooperative effects induced by intruders evolving through a granular medium  DOI  PDF
A. Merceron, A. Sauret, & P. Jop
EPL, 121(3), 34005 (2018)

[33] Competitive dynamics of two erosion patterns around a cylinder  DOI  PDF
F. Lachaussée, Y. Bertho, C. Morize, A. Sauret, & P. Gondret
Physical Review Fluids, 3, 012302(R) (2018)

[32] Drop impact dynamics on slippery liquid infused porous surfaces: influence of oil thickness  DOI  PDF
M. Muschi, B. Brudieu, J. Teisseire, & A. Sauret
Soft Matter, 14, 1100 - 1107 (2018)

[31] Resuspension threshold of a granular bed by localized heating  DOI  PDF 
C. Morize, E. Herbert, & A. Sauret
Physical Review E, 96, 032903 (2017)

[30] Accretion dynamics on wet granular materials  DOI  PDF + Cover
G. Saingier, A. Sauret, & P. Jop
Physical Review Letters, 118, 208001 (2017)

[29] Drop morphologies on flexible fibers: influence of elastocapillary effects  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, K. Somszor, E. Dressaire, & H. A. Stone
Soft Matter, 13, 134-140 (2017)

[28] Clogging of microfluidic systems  DOI  PDF
E. Dressaire & A. Sauret  
Soft Matter, 13, 37-48 (2017)

[27] Reorganization of a granular medium around a localized transformation  DOI  PDF
A. Merceron, A. Sauret, & P. Jop
Physical Review E 93(6), 062904 (2016)

[26] Drop impact on a flexible fiber  DOI  PDF
E. Dressaire, A. Sauret, F. Boulogne & H. A. Stone
Soft Matter 12, 200-208 (2016)  

[25] Tunable transport of drop on a vibrating fiber  DOI  PDF
A. D. Bick, F. Boulogne, A. Sauret & H. A. Stone
Applied Physics Letters 107, 181604 (2015)

[24] Wetting morphologies on randomly oriented fibers  DOI  PDF + Cover
A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, B. Soh, E. Dressaire & H. A. Stone
European Physical Journal E 38, 62 (2015)

[23] Mean zonal flow generated by azimuthal harmonic forcing in a rotating cylinder  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret
Fluid Dynamics Research 47, 035506 (2015)

[22] Wetting morphologies on an array of fibers of different radii  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, D. Cébron, E. Dressaire & H. A. Stone
Soft Matter 11, 403-4040 (2015)

[21] Mechanical tuning of the evaporation rate of liquid on crossed fibers  DOI  PDF
F. Boulogne, A. Sauret, B. Soh, E. Dressaire & H. A. Stone
Langmuir 31(10), 3094-3100 (2015)

[20] Damping of liquid sloshing by foams  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, J. Cappello E. Dressaire & H. A. Stone
Physics of Fluids 27, 022103 (2015)

[19] Damping of liquid sloshing by foams: from everyday observations to liquid transport  DOI  PDF
J. Cappello, A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, E. Dressaire & H. A. Stone
Journal of Visualization (2015)

[18] Tide driven shear instability in planetary liquid cores  DOI   PDF
A. Sauret, M. Le Bars & P. Le Gal
Geophysical Research Letters 105(17), 6063-6305 (2014)

[17] Clogging by sieving in microchannels: application to the detection of contaminants in colloidal suspensions  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, E.C. Barney, A. Perro, E. Villermaux, H. A. Stone & E. Dressaire
Applied Physics Letters 105, 074101 (2014)

[16] Bulldozing of granular material  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, N. J. Balmforth, C. P. Caulfield & J. N. McElwaine
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 748, 143-174 (2014)

[15] Wetting of crossed fibers: multiple steady states and symmetry breaking  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, A. D. Bick, C. Duprat & H. A. Stone
EPL 105, 56006 (2014)

[14] Tsunami generated by a granular collapse down a rough inclined plane  DOI  PDF
S. Viroulet, A. Sauret & O. Kimmoun
EPL 105, 34004 (2014)

[13] Syringe pump induced-fluctuation in all-aqueous microfluidic system - implications for flow rate accuracy  DOI  PDF
Z. Li, S. Y. Mak, A. Sauret & H. C. Shum
Lab on a Chip 14(4), 744-749 (2014)

[12] All-aqueous microfluidics  DOI  PDF
Y. Song, A. Sauret & H. C. Shum
Biomicrofluidics 7(6), 061301 (2013)

[11] Elliptical instability in Hot-jupiter systems  DOI  PDF
D. Cébron, M. Le Bars, P. Le Gal, C. Moutou, J. Leconte & A. Sauret
Icarus 226(2), 1642-1653 (2013)

[10] Spontaneous generation of inertial waves from boundary turbulence in a librating sphere  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, D. Cébron & M. Le Bars
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 728, R5 (2013)

[9] Granular collapse into water: toward tsunami landslides  DOI  PDF
S. Viroulet, A. Sauret, O. Kimmoun & C. Kharif
Journal of Visualization 16(3), 189-191 (2013)

[8] Libration-induced mean flow in a spherical shell  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, S. Le Dizes
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 718, 181-209 (2013)

[7] Experimental study of libration-driven zonal flows in non-axisymmetric containers   DOI  PDF
J. Noir, D. Cébron, M. Le Bars, A. Sauret & J. M. Aurnou
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 204-205, 1-10 (2012)  

[6] Fluctuation-induced dynamics of multiphase liquid jets with ultra-low interfacial tension   DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, C. Spandagos & H. C. Shum
Lab on a Chip 12, 3380-3386 (2012)

[5] Beating the jetting regime   DOI  PDF
A. Sauret & H. C. Shum
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 13, 351-362 (2012)

[4] Forced generation of simple and double emulsions in all-aqueous systems   DOI  PDF
A. Sauret & H. C. Shum
Applied Physics Letters 100, 154106 (2012)

[3] Fluid flows in a librating cylinder   DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, D. Cébron, M. Le Bars & S. Le Dizes
Physics of Fluids 24(2), 026603 (2012)


[2] Experimental and numerical study of mean zonal flows generated by librations of a rotating spherical cavity  DOI  PDF
A. Sauret, D. Cébron, C. Morize & M. Le Bars
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 662, 260-268 (2010)

[1] Corrugated interfaces in multiphase core-annular flow  DOI   PDF
H. C. Shum, A. Sauret, A. Fernandez-Nieves, H. A. Stone & D. A. Weitz
Physics of Fluids 22(8), 082002 (2010)